Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hello, Mr. President

It's President Barack Obama's first full day in office. It's time to say hello to the 44th Chief Executive.

Sorry to hear about the oath thing. The President and Chief Justice Roberts probably should have done a test run. I'm glad to hear they got it all straight today.

With such a young and relatively new face in the White House there's not much I could say about President Obama's background, history or family legacy. Let's just say that there's been a lot of stories flying around for the past couple of years, a lot of which have only been believed because they made us feel better about ourselves.

I will say a few things that will probably be somewhat unpopular. I don't believe Barack Obama is a Muslim. I don't believe he refuses to honor the flag or say the Pledge of Allegiance. I'm also pretty sure that was a Bible I saw him swearing in on (and PLEASE don't start talking about the absence of a Bible at the second swearing in--last thing we need).

I will admit that I laughed at the upside-down phone photo, the "fifty-seven states" thing, the gorging on room service caviar accusation, etc., but not while actually believing them. Really, I think arguments based on facts and substantive issues are infinitely more worthwhile. Barack Obama deserves credit for handling a lot of those things with a surprising amount of calm.

I have and will be praying for the President, his wife, Michelle and his (very, very cute) daughters, Malia and Sasha. That's the best thing we can do for them as they take the reins of leadership of this great country.

Am I saying that I'm pro-Obama? Yep. 'Cause we only have one President at a time, and we need him--especially in this troubled time--to do his very best.


  1. I agree. We need to pray for President Obama & his family & all serving in our government.Also we should remember that bottom line God is in control & our trust should be in Him.. Thanks for your insight. kw

  2. finally changing the spelling error on this: REINS not reigns!
