Sunday, October 11, 2009

A month since we left for Ethiopia

And things are getting better and better. I think both Elisha and Mariah have gained weight and all kinds of strength. A few things I've noticed is that the kids' moods have greatly improved, they're hungry all the time and they love to play all the time.

I think the mood thing has to do with getting on a consistent schedule, along with getting over the ear infections and viruses. This goes along with eating...

The doctor said we could feed Mariah as much as she was willing to eat. And the kids are willing. I think the constant stream of food--in contrast to the three feedings a day the orphanage gave, due to limited resources--has given them all kinds of new energy. Which brings me to they play part...

They want to play all the time! You know those kids who need "snuggle time"? They don't live in our house. From the time their eyes open, they're ready to crawl, chew, gurgle, smack, scream, throw, whatever. They want toys and Mom and Dad to play peek-a-boo and rolling on the floor.

Then, noon calls for a short nap and another six hours of play! Around seven o'clock they pretty much shut off like a switch. I guess this is one thing that is characteristic of children that have been in an institution. They know what it's like to live on a schedule. I'm not gonna say it doesn't have its advantages.

Tomorrow is Anne-Marie's first Mommy-only day. My mom goes back to work and (as always) I go to work. So pray that the kids are perfect angels for her.

1 comment:

  1. Could they be cuter? What an absolute blessing from God.

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted
