Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Everything happens in September

September is just about done and summer has gone the way of the buffalo.  I love the fall, but--as it likely is with most of you--the season is anything but carefree, as is summer.  Every year we celebrate this transition in September, because along with September seems to come every possible significant date.  It doesn't matter what it is: everything happens in September at our house.

Here's the off-the-top-of-my-head list:

2008 - 2nd: Elisha's legal birthday (according to the government)
1979 - 4th: My birthday (according to everyone but the young man inside me that's obviously in denial)
2006 - 4th: Anne-Marie admitted to hospital due to complications with blood count
2008 - 6th: We turn in our adoption paperwork to Dove
2001 - 8th: Our anniversary
2001 - 11th: Patriot Day, also known in our house as "The Day We Got Stuck In Mexico While On Our Honeymoon in 2001"
2008 - 11th: Mariah's legal birthday
2009 - 14th: Gotcha Day (the day our kids were placed in our arms)
2009 - 23rd: The day we returned to America with our kids
2010 - 24th: My last day at my long time employer, Western Wood Structures, Inc.
2004 - 25th: The day we lost Mary Jean
2010 - 26th: Our last Sunday at our longtime "home church", OCUPC

Thank you to our former landlord for evicting us as soon as possible (late in August).  It allowed us to have a rather quiet September in 2011.


  1. Every thing happens in September ...even the seasons....spring summer. Fall winter..all show themselves in September

  2. September has spring,summer,fall,and winter..in one month...people born in this month are one with the world
