Wednesday, December 31, 2008


At then end of last year I said that 2008 was going to be a journey, that we were starting from the ground and going up and that it was "time to get to work!"

Well the year's through and we've only just begun. And I don't know sometimes whether life's a journey to a place we want to be. Or maybe a journey from a place we want to leave. Or a project. Or a battle. It's probably all of that and more.

'Cause sometimes you don't get where you want to go in life or get away from the place you wish to leave. Life has a lot of unfinished projects and battles that you lose. Even considering all that, it can still be good and happy. Even worthwhile.

It's at the same time better and worse than all the symbolism we stick on it.

I don't have all the blueprints, battle plans, maps, pieces of the puzzle or pages of the story but I'm still inspired by what I have been given and what I see up to this point. That's enough reason to thank God that life is life.

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